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Software Architecture and Design

Object-Orientated ...

Classes [python]

Software Architecture and Design

Object-Orientated ...

Polymorphism [python]

Inheritance and Composition
This material has been adapted from the "Software Engineering" module of the SABS R³ Center for Doctoral Training.

This material has been adapted from the "Software Engineering" module of the SABS R³ Center for Doctoral Training.

Creative Commons License
This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

Creative Commons License

Inheritance and Composition

Relationships Between Classes

We now have a language construct for grouping data and behaviour related to a single conceptual object. The next step we need to take is to describe the relationships between the concepts in our code.
There are two fundamental types of relationship between objects which we need to be able to describe:
  1. Ownership - x has a y - this is composition
  2. Identity - x is a y - this is inheritance


You should hopefully have come across the term composition already - in the novice Software Carpentry, we use composition of functions to reduce code duplication. That time, we used a function which converted temperatures in Celsius to Kelvin as a component of another function which converted temperatures in Fahrenheit to Kelvin.
In the same way, in object oriented programming, we can make things components of other things.
We often use composition where we can say 'x has a y' - for example in our inflammation project, we might want to say that a doctor has patients or that a patient has observations.
In the case of our example, we're already saying that patients have observations, so we're already using composition here. We're currently implementing an observation as a dictionary with a known set of keys though, so maybe we should make an Observation class as well.
# file: inflammation/ class Observation: def __init__(self, day, value): = day self.value = value def __str__(self): return str(self.value) class Patient: """A patient in an inflammation study.""" def __init__(self, name): = name self.observations = [] def add_observation(self, value, day=None): if day is None: try: day = self.observations[-1].day + 1 except IndexError: day = 0 new_observation = Observation(day, value) self.observations.append(new_observation) return new_observation def __str__(self): return alice = Patient('Alice') obs = alice.add_observation(3) print(obs)
Now we're using a composition of two custom classes to describe the relationship between two types of entity in the system that we're modelling.


The other type of relationship used in object oriented programming is inheritance. Inheritance is about data and behaviour shared by classes, because they have some shared identity - 'x is a y'. If class X inherits from (is a) class Y, we say that Y is the superclass or parent class of X, or X is a subclass of Y.
If we want to extend the previous example to also manage people who aren't patients we can add another class Person. But Person will share some data and behaviour with Patient - in this case both have a name and show that name when you print them. Since we expect all patients to be people (hopefully!), it makes sense to implement the behaviour in Person and then reuse it in Patient.
To write our class in Python, we used the class keyword, the name of the class, and then a block of the functions that belong to it. If the class inherits from another class, we include the parent class name in brackets.
# file: inflammation/ class Observation: def __init__(self, day, value): = day self.value = value def __str__(self): return str(self.value) class Person: def __init__(self, name): = name def __str__(self): return class Patient(Person): """A patient in an inflammation study.""" def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) self.observations = [] def add_observation(self, value, day=None): if day is None: try: day = self.observations[-1].day + 1 except IndexError: day = 0 new_observation = Observation(day, value) self.observations.append(new_observation) return new_observation alice = Patient('Alice') print(alice) obs = alice.add_observation(3) print(obs) bob = Person('Bob') print(bob) obs = bob.add_observation(4) print(obs)
Alice 3 Bob AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'add_observation'
As expected, an error is thrown because we cannot add an observation to bob, who is a Person but not a Patient.
We see in the example above that to say that a class inherits from another, we put the parent class (or superclass) in brackets after the name of the subclass.
There's something else we need to add as well - Python doesn't automatically call the __init__ method on the parent class if we provide a new __init__ for our subclass, so we'll need to call it ourselves. This makes sure that everything that needs to be initialised on the parent class has been, before we need to use it. If we don't define a new __init__ method for our subclass, Python will look for one on the parent class and use it automatically. This is true of all methods - if we call a method which doesn't exist directly on our class, Python will search for it among the parent classes. The order in which it does this search is known as the method resolution order - a little more on this in the Multiple Inheritance callout below.
The line super().__init__(name) gets the parent class, then calls the __init__ method, providing the name variable that Person.__init__ requires. This is quite a common pattern, particularly for __init__ methods, where we need to make sure an object is initialised as a valid X, before we can initialise it as a valid Y - e.g. a valid Person must have a name, before we can properly initialise a Patient model with their inflammation data.

Composition vs Inheritance

When deciding how to implement a model of a particular system, you often have a choice of either composition or inheritance, where there is no obviously correct choice. For example, it's not obvious whether a photocopier is a printer and is a scanner, or has a printer and has a scanner.
class Machine: pass class Printer(Machine): pass class Scanner(Machine): pass class Copier(Printer, Scanner): # Copier `is a` Printer and `is a` Scanner pass
class Machine: pass class Printer(Machine): pass class Scanner(Machine): pass class Copier(Machine): def __init__(self): # Copier `has a` Printer and `has a` Scanner self.printer = Printer() self.scanner = Scanner()
Both of these would be perfectly valid models and would work for most purposes. However, unless there's something about how you need to use the model which would benefit from using a model based on inheritance, it's usually recommended to opt for composition over inheritance. This is a common design principle in the object oriented paradigm and is worth remembering, as it's very common for people to overuse inheritance once they've been introduced to it.
For much more detail on this see the Python Design Patterns guide.

Multiple Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance is when a class inherits from more than one direct parent class. It exists in Python, but is often not present in other Object Oriented languages. Although this might seem useful, like in our inheritance-based model of the photocopier above, it's best to avoid it unless you're sure it's the right thing to do, due to the complexity of the inheritance heirarchy. Often using multiple inheritance is a sign you should instead be using composition - again like the photocopier model above.

A Model Patient

Above we gave an example of a Patient class which inherits from Person. Let's can start with extending the system such that there must be a Doctor class to hold the data representing a single doctor, which:
  • must have a name attribute
  • must have a list of patients that this doctor is responsible for.
In addition to these, try to think of an extra feature you could add to the models which would be useful for managing a dataset like this - imagine we're running a clinical trial, what else might we want to know? Try using Test Driven Development for any features you add: write the tests first, then add the feature.
Once you've finished the initial implementation, do you have much duplicated code? Is there anywhere you could make better use of composition or inheritance to improve your implementation?
For any extra features you've added, explain them and how you implemented them to your neighbour. Would they have implemented that feature in the same way?

Key Points

  • Relationships between concepts can be described using inheritance (is a) and composition (has a).