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Software Architecture and Design

Object-Orientated ...

Inheritance a... [python]

This material has been adapted from the "Software Engineering" module of the SABS R³ Center for Doctoral Training.

This material has been adapted from the "Software Engineering" module of the SABS R³ Center for Doctoral Training.

Creative Commons License
This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

Creative Commons License


Structuring Data

One of the main difficulties we encounter when building more complex software is how to structure our data. So far, we've been processing data from a single source and with a simple tabular structure, but it would be useful to be able to combine data from a range of different sources and with more data than just an array of numbers.
import numpy as np data = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]])
Using this data structure has the advantage of being able to use NumPy operations to process the data and Matplotlib to plot it, but often we need to have more structure than this. For example, we may need to attach more information about the patients and store this alongside our measurements of inflammation.
We can do this using the Python data structures we're already familiar with, dictionaries and lists. For instance, say we wish to store a list of patients on a clinical inflammation trial. We could attach a name to each of our patients:
patients = [ { 'name': 'Alice', 'data': [1., 2., 3.], }, { 'name': 'Bob', 'data': [4., 5., 6.], }, ]

Structuring Data

Write a function, called attach_names, which can be used to attach names to our patient dataset. When used as below, it should produce the expected output.
If you're not sure where to begin, think about ways you might be able to effectively loop over two collections at once. Also, don't worry too much about the data type of the data value, it can be a Python list, or a NumPy array - either is fine.
data = np.array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) output = attach_names(data, ['Alice', 'Bob']) print(output)
[ { 'name': 'Alice', 'data': [1., 2., 3.], }, { 'name': 'Bob', 'data': [4., 5., 6.], }, ]

Classes in Python

Using nested dictionaries and lists should work for some of the simpler cases where we need to handle structured data, but they get quite difficult to manage once the structure becomes a bit more complex. For this reason, in the object oriented paradigm, we use classes to help with managing this data and the operations we would want to perform on it. A class is a template (blueprint) for a structured piece of data, so when we create some data using a class, we can be certain that it has the same structure each time.
With our list of dictionaries we had in the example above, we have no real guarantee that each dictionary has the same structure, e.g. the same keys (name and data) unless we check it manually. With a class, if an object is an instance of that class (i.e. it was made using that template), we know it will have the structure defined by that class. Different programming languages make slightly different guarantees about how strictly the structure will match, but in object oriented programming this is one of the core ideas - all objects derived from the same class must follow the same behaviour.
You may not have realised, but you should already be familiar with some of the classes that come bundled as part of Python, for example:
my_list = [1, 2, 3] my_dict = {1: '1', 2: '2', 3: '3'} my_set = {1, 2, 3} print(type(my_list)) print(type(my_dict)) print(type(my_set))
<class 'list'> <class 'dict'> <class 'set'>
Lists, dictionaries and sets are a slightly special type of class, but they behave in much the same way as a class we might define ourselves:
  • They each hold some data (attributes or state).
  • They also provide some methods describing the behaviours of the data - what can the data do and what can we do to the data?
The behaviours we may have seen previously include:
  • Lists can be appended to
  • Lists can be indexed
  • Lists can be sliced
  • Key-value pairs can be added to dictionaries
  • The value at a key can be looked up in a dictionary
  • The union of two sets can be found (the set of values present in any of the sets)
  • The intersection of two sets can be found (the set of values present in all of the sets)

Encapsulating Data

Let's start with a minimal example of a class representing our patients.
# file: inflammation/ class Patient: def __init__(self, name): = name self.observations = [] alice = Patient('Alice') print(
Here we've defined a class with one method: __init__. This method is the initialiser method, which is responsible for setting up the initial values and structure of the data inside a new instance of the class - this is very similar to constructors in other languages, so the term is often used in Python too. The __init__ method is called every time we create a new instance of the class, as in Patient('Alice'). The argument self refers to the instance on which we are calling the method and gets filled in automatically by Python - we do not need to provide a value for this when we call the method.
Data encapsulated within our Patient class includes the patient's name and a list of inflammation observations. In the initialiser method, we set a patient's name to the value provided, and create a list of inflammation observations for the patient (initially empty). Such data is also referred to as the attributes of a class and holds the current state of an instance of the class. Attributes are typically hidden (encapsulated) internal object details ensuring that access to data is protected from unintended changes. They are manipulated internally by the class, which, in addition, can expose certain functionality as public behavior of the class to allow other objects to interact with this class' instances.

Encapsulating Behaviour

In addition to representing a piece of structured data (e.g. a patient who has a name and a list of inflammation observations), a class can also provide a set of functions, or methods, which describe the behaviours of the data encapsulated in the instances of that class. To define the behaviour of a class we add functions which operate on the data the class contains. These functions are the member functions or methods.
Methods on classes are the same as normal functions, except that they live inside a class and have an extra first parameter self. Using the name self is not strictly necessary, but is a very strong convention - it is extremely rare to see any other name chosen. When we call a method on an object, the value of self is automatically set to this object - hence the name. As we saw with the __init__ method previously, we do not need to explicitly provide a value for the self argument, this is done for us by Python.
Let's add another method on our Patient class that adds a new observation to a Patient instance.
# file: inflammation/ class Patient: """A patient in an inflammation study.""" def __init__(self, name): = name self.observations = [] def add_observation(self, value, day=None): if day is None: try: day = self.observations[-1]['day'] + 1 except IndexError: day = 0 new_observation = { 'day': day, 'value': value, } self.observations.append(new_observation) return new_observation alice = Patient('Alice') print(alice) observation = alice.add_observation(3) print(observation) print(alice.observations)
<__main__.Patient object at 0x7fd7e61b73d0> {'day': 0, 'value': 3} [{'day': 0, 'value': 3}]
Note also how we used day=None in the parameter list of the add_observation method, then initialise it if the value is indeed None. This is one of the common ways to handle an optional argument in Python, so we'll see this pattern quite a lot in real projects.

Class and Static Methods

Sometimes, the function we're writing doesn't need access to any data belonging to a particular object. For these situations, we can instead use a class method or a static method. Class methods have access to the class that they're a part of, and can access data on that class - but do not belong to a specific instance of that class, whereas static methods have access to neither the class nor its instances.
By convention, class methods use cls as their first argument instead of self - this is how we access the class and its data, just like self allows us to access the instance and its data. Static methods have neither self nor cls so the arguments look like a typical free function. These are the only common exceptions to using self for a method's first argument.
Both of these method types are created using decorators - for more information see the classmethod and staticmethod decorator sections of the Python documentation.

Dunder Methods

Why is the __init__ method not called init? There are a few special method names that we can use which Python will use to provide a few common behaviours, each of which begins and ends with a double-underscore, hence the name dunder method.
When writing your own Python classes, you'll almost always want to write an __init__ method, but there are a few other common ones you might need sometimes. You may have noticed in the code above that the method print(alice) returned <__main__.Patient object at 0x7fd7e61b73d0>, which is the string represenation of the alice object. We may want the print statement to display the object's name instead. We can achieve this by overriding the __str__ method of our class.
# file: inflammation/ class Patient: """A patient in an inflammation study.""" def __init__(self, name): = name self.observations = [] def add_observation(self, value, day=None): if day is None: try: day = self.observations[-1]['day'] + 1 except IndexError: day = 0 new_observation = { 'day': day, 'value': value, } self.observations.append(new_observation) return new_observation def __str__(self): return alice = Patient('Alice') print(alice)
These dunder methods are not usually called directly, but rather provide the implementation of some functionality we can use - we didn't call alice.__str__(), but it was called for us when we did print(alice). Some we see quite commonly are:
  • __str__ - converts an object into its string representation, used when you call str(object) or print(object)
  • __getitem__ - Accesses an object by key, this is how list[x] and dict[x] are implemented
  • __len__ - gets the length of an object when we use len(object) - usually the number of items it contains
There are many more described in the Python documentation, but it’s also worth experimenting with built in Python objects to see which methods provide which behaviour. For a more complete list of these special methods, see the Special Method Names section of the Python documentation.

A Basic Class

Implement a class to represent a book. Your class should:
  • Have a title
  • Have an author
  • When printed using print(book), show text in the format "title by author"
book = Book('A Book', 'Me') print(book)
A Book by Me


The final special type of method we will introduce is a property. Properties are methods which behave like data - when we want to access them, we do not need to use brackets to call the method manually.
# file: inflammation/ class Patient: ... @property def last_observation(self): return self.observations[-1] alice = Patient('Alice') alice.add_observation(3) alice.add_observation(4) obs = alice.last_observation print(obs)
{'day': 1, 'value': 4}
You may recognise the @ syntax from episodes on functional programming - property is another example of a decorator. In this case the property decorator is taking the last_observation function and modifying its behaviour, so it can be accessed as if it were a normal attribute. It is also possible to make your own decorators, but we won't cover it here.

Key Points

  • Object oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of classes, which encapsulate data and code.
  • Classes allow us to organise data into distinct concepts.
  • By breaking down our data into classes, we can reason about the behaviour of parts of our data.