This material has been adapted from material by Fergus Cooper and others from the "Essential Mathematics" module at the Doctoral Training Centre, University of Oxford.
This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1
Integration 2
Learning outcomes
Be able to use integration by parts to integrate a product of functions
Be able to apply the method of partial fractions to integrate fractional functions
YouTube lecture recording from October 2020
The following YouTube video was recorded for the 2020 iteration of the course.
The material is still very similar:
Integration by Parts and by Partial Fractions
Integration reverses the process of differentiation
SymPy can also solve integrals requiring partial fractions:
sp.integrate(1/((2*x +1)*(x -5)),x)
This answer seems different because of the arbitrary constant of integration.
Introductory problems
Introductory problems 1
By using suitable substitutions, evaluate the following integrals:
Introductory problems 2
Find the indefinite integrals, with respect to x, of the following functions:
Introductory problems 3
Sketch the curve y=(x−2)(x−5) and calculate by integration the area under the curve bounded by x=2 and x=5.
Main problems
Main problems 1
Evaluate the following indefinite and definite integrals:
Main problems 2
Suppose the area A(t) (in cm2) of a healing wound changes at a rate
where t, measured in days, lies between 1 and 10, and the area is 2cm2 after 1 day.
What will the area of the wound be after 10 days?
Main problems 2
A rocket burns fuel, so its mass decreases over time.
If it burns fuel at a constant rate ρkg/s, and if the exhaust velocity relative to the rocket is a constant vem/s, then there will be a constant force of magnitude ρve propelling it.
The rocket starts burning fuel at t=0s with total mass of m0kg, and runs out of fuel at a later time t=tfs, with a final mass of mfkg.
Newton's second law tells us that the instantaneous acceleration a of the rocket at time t is equal to the force propelling it at that time, divided by its mass at that time.
Write down an expression for a as a function of t.
By integrating this expression, show that the rocket's total change in velocity is given by veln(mfm0).
Main problems 3
The flow of water pumped upwards through the xylem of a tree, F, is given by:
where t is the tree's age in days, p and q are positive constants, and M0p3/4 is the mass of the tree when planted (i.e.\ at t=0).
Determine the total volume of water pumped up the tree in its tenth year (ignoring leap years) if:
q=0.01day−1, and
Extension problems
Extension problems 1
Express x(x2−16)1intheformxA+(x+4)B+(x−4)C.
Hence calculate ∫x(x2−16)1dx.
Extension problems 2
The probability that a molecule of mass m in a gas at temperature T has speed v is given by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution:
where k is Boltzmann's constant. Find the average speed:
Extension problems 3
Baranov developed expressions for commercial yields of fish in terms of lengths, L, of the fish.
His formula gave the total number of fish of length L as ke−cL, where c and k are constants (k is positive).
Give a sketch of the graph f(L)=ke−cL.
(Something decreasing, concave upward and asymptotic to horizontal axis will do.)
On your sketch, introduce marks on the horizontal axis that represent lengths L=1,L=2,L=3,L=4andL=5.
Now draw a rectangle on your sketch that represents the number of fish whose lengths are between L=3 and L=4.
Explain how we can represent the total number of fish N as an area.
Show that this number equals k/c.
Only fish longer than L0 count as commercial. Hence, assuming that the fish are all similar in shape (i.e. their width and breadth scales with their length) and of equal density ρ, show that the weight, W, of the commercial fish population is