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Mölder, F., Jablonski, K.P., Letcher, B., Hall, M.B., Tomkins-Tinch, C.H., Sochat, V., Forster, J., Lee, S., Twardziok, S.O., Kanitz, A., Wilm, A., Holtgrewe, M., Rahmann, S., Nahnsen, S., Köster, J., 2021. Sustainable data analysis with Snakemake. F1000Res 10, 33. Revision c7ae161c.

Mölder, F., Jablonski, K.P., Letcher, B., Hall, M.B., Tomkins-Tinch, C.H., Sochat, V., Forster, J., Lee, S., Twardziok, S.O., Kanitz, A., Wilm, A., Holtgrewe, M., Rahmann, S., Nahnsen, S., Köster, J., 2021. Sustainable data analysis with Snakemake. F1000Res 10, 33. Revision c7ae161c.


Short tutorial

Short tutorial

Here we provide a short tutorial that guides you through the main features of Snakemake. Note that this is not suited to learn Snakemake from scratch, rather to give a first impression. To really learn Snakemake (starting from something simple, and extending towards labeladvanced features), use the main tutorial.
This document shows all steps performed in the official Snakemake live demo, such that it becomes possible to follow them at your own pace. Solutions to each step can be found at the bottom of this document.
The examples presented in this tutorial come from Bioinformatics. However, Snakemake is a general-purpose workflow management system for any discipline. For an explanation of the steps you will perform here, have a look at tutorial-background. More thorough explanations are provided in the full tutorial.


First, install Snakemake via Conda, as outlined in Installation via Conda/Mamba. The minimal version of Snakemake is sufficient for this demo.
Second, download and unpack the test data needed for this example from here, e.g., via
mkdir snakemake-demo cd snakemake-demo wget tar --wildcards -xf v5.4.5.tar.gz --strip 1 "*/data"

Step 1

First, create an empty workflow in the current directory with:
mkdir workflow touch workflow/Snakefile
Once a Snakefile is present, you can perform a dry run of Snakemake with:
snakemake -n
Since the Snakefile is empty, it will report that nothing has to be done. In the next steps, we will gradually fill the Snakefile with an example analysis workflow.

Step 2

The data folder in your working directory looks as follows:
data ├── genome.fa ├── genome.fa.amb ├── genome.fa.ann ├── genome.fa.bwt ├── genome.fa.fai ├── genome.fa.pac ├── └── samples ├── A.fastq ├── B.fastq └── C.fastq
You will create a workflow that maps the sequencing samples in the data/samples folder to the reference genome data/genome.fa. Then, you will call genomic variants over the mapped samples, and create an example plot.
First, create a rule called map_reads, with input files
  • data/genome.fa
  • data/samples/A.fastq
and output file
  • results/mapped/A.bam
To generate output from input, use the shell command
"bwa mem {input} | samtools view -Sb - > {output}"
Providing a shell command is not enough to run your workflow on an unprepared system. For reproducibility, you also have to provide the required software stack and define the desired version. This can be done with the Conda package manager, which is directly integrated with Snakemake: add a directive conda: "envs/mapping.yaml" that points to a Conda environment definition, with the following content
channels: - bioconda - conda-forge dependencies: - bwa =0.7.17 - samtools =1.9
Upon execution, Snakemake will automatically create that environment, and execute the shell command within.
Now, test your workflow by simulating the creation of the file results/mapped/A.bam via
snakemake --software-deployment-method conda -n results/mapped/A.bam
to perform a dry-run and
snakemake --software-deployment-method conda results/mapped/A.bam --cores 1
to perform the actual execution.
The --software-deployment-method option has a shorthand alias --sdm, which we will use for brevity in the rest of this tutorial. There are two other long-form aliases --deployment-method and --deployment.

Step 3

Now, generalize the rule map_reads by replacing the concrete sample name A with a wildcard {sample} in input and output file the rule map_reads. This way, Snakemake can apply the rule to map any of the three available samples to the reference genome.
Test this by creating the file results/mapped/B.bam.

Step 4

Next, create a rule sort_alignments that sorts the obtained .bam file by genomic coordinate. The rule should have the input file
  • results/mapped/{sample}.bam
and the output file
  • results/mapped/{sample}.sorted.bam
and uses the shell command
samtools sort -o {output} {input}
to perform the sorting. Moreover, use the same conda: directive as for the previous rule.
Test your workflow with
snakemake --use-conda -n results/mapped/A.sorted.bam
snakemake --use-conda results/mapped/A.sorted.bam --cores 1

Step 5

Now, we aggregate over all samples to perform a joint calling of genomic variants. First, we define a variable
samples = ["A", "B", "C"]
at the top of the Snakefile. This serves as a definition of the samples over which we would want to aggregate. In real life, you would want to use an external sample sheet or a config file for things like this.
For aggregation over many files, Snakemake provides the helper function expand (see the docs). Create a rule call with input files
  • fa="data/genome.fa"
  • bam=expand("results/mapped/{sample}.sorted.bam", sample=samples)
output file
  • "results/calls/all.vcf"
and shell command
bcftools mpileup -f {input.fa} {input.bam} | bcftools call -mv - > {output}
Further, define a new conda environment file with the following content:
channels: - bioconda - conda-forge dependencies: - bcftools =1.9

Step 6

Finally, we strive to calculate some exemplary statistics. This time, we don't use a shell command, but rather employ Snakemake's ability to integrate with scripting languages like R and Python, and Jupyter notebooks.
First, we create a rule plot_quals with input file
  • "results/calls/all.vcf"
and output file
  • "results/plots/quals.svg".
Instead of a shell command, we use Snakemake's Jupyter notebook integration by specifying
notebook: "notebooks/"
instead of using the shell directive as before.
Next, we have to define a conda environment for the rule, say workflow/envs/stats.yaml, that provides the required Python packages to execute the script:
channels: - bioconda - conda-forge dependencies: - pysam =0.17 - altair =4.1 - altair_saver =0.5 - pandas =1.3 - jupyter =1.0
Then, we let Snakemake generate a skeleton notebook for us with
snakemake --draft-notebook results/plots/quals.svg --cores 1 --sdm conda
Snakemake will print instructions on how to open, edit and execute the notebook.
We open the notebook in the editor and add the following content
import pandas as pd import altair as alt from pysam import VariantFile quals = pd.DataFrame({"qual": [record.qual for record in VariantFile(snakemake.input[0])]}) chart = alt.Chart(quals).mark_bar().encode( alt.X("qual", bin=True), alt.Y("count()") )[0])
As you can see, instead of writing a command line parser for passing parameters like input and output files, you have direct access to the properties of the rule via a magic snakemake object, that Snakemake automatically inserts into the notebook before executing the rule.
Make sure to test your workflow with
snakemake --sdm conda --force results/plots/quals.svg --cores 1
Here, the force ensures that the readily drafted notebook is re-executed even if you had already generated the output plot in the interactive mode.

Step 7

So far, we have always specified a target file at the command line when invoking Snakemake. When no target file is specified, Snakemake tries to execute the first rule in the Snakefile. We can use this property to define default target files.
At the top of your Snakefile define a rule all, with input files
  • "results/calls/all.vcf"
  • "results/plots/quals.svg"
and neither a shell command nor output files. This rule simply serves as an indicator of what shall be collected as results.

Step 8

As a last step, we strive to annotate our workflow with some additional information.

Automatic reports

Snakemake can automatically create HTML reports with
snakemake --report report.html
Such a report contains runtime statistics, a visualization of the workflow topology, used software and data provenance information.
In addition, you can mark any output file generated in your workflow for inclusion into the report. It will be encoded directly into the report, such that it can be, e.g., emailed as a self-contained document. The reader (e.g., a collaborator of yours) can at any time download the enclosed results from the report for further use, e.g., in a manuscript you write together. In this example, please mark the output file "results/plots/quals.svg" for inclusion by replacing it with report("results/plots/quals.svg", caption="report/calling.rst") and adding a file report/calling.rst, containing some description of the output file. This description will be presented as caption in the resulting report.


The first rule map_reads can in theory use multiple threads. You can make Snakemake aware of this, such that the information can be used for scheduling. Add a directive threads: 8 to the rule and alter the shell command to
bwa mem -t {threads} {input} | samtools view -Sb - > {output}
This passes the threads defined in the rule as a command line argument to the bwa process.

Temporary files

The output of the map_reads rule becomes superfluous once the sorted version of the .bam file is generated by the rule sort. Snakemake can automatically delete the superfluous output once it is not needed anymore. For this, mark the output as temporary by replacing "results/mapped/{sample}.bam" in the rule bwa with temp("results/mapped/{sample}.bam").


Only read this if you have a problem with one of the steps.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8