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Introduction to CMake

This has been edited from the introductory course in CMake from Oxford RSE.

Getting started

Clone the material repository and change your current working directory to the project root:
git clone cd IntroCMakeCourse

Problem Statement

You want your C++ code to compile on other computers, not just your laptop.
  • group workstation
  • HPC compile node
  • collaborator laptops
Everyone should end up with a program that behaves the same way, wherever they build.

Enter CMake

You describe targets (what to build), inputs (the sources files), and configuration (what libraries to use, what compiler settings, etc.).
CMake uses that with its own rules (how to turn sources into programs) to generate makefiles, IDE projects, or other outputs. CMake doesn't build your project itself!
CMake works on Linux, Windows, macOS and more.

Getting Started

Checkpoint 0 is a simple "hello, world" program written in C++. Let's use CMake to build it.
cd checkpoint_0


This is where you write the definitions of your targets and configuration.
Let's look at the sample CMakeLists.txt line by line.

CMake has changed a lot

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
Tells CMake which version we used, affecting the features available and the interpretation of CMakeLists.txt

Define a project

project(IntroCMakeCourse LANGUAGES CXX)
We have a project called IntroCMakeCourse{.cmake}, in the C++ language.

Configure the compiler

We're using the C++17 language dialect.

Tell it what to build

add_executable(main_executable main.cpp)
There is a program, called main_executable{.cmake}, which depends on the source code in main.cpp

Using CMake

It's typical to build "out of tree", by running CMake in a separate place. Keeps generated files out of your source folder.
checkpoint0$ mkdir build checkpoint0$ cd build build$ cmake .. [...] -- Build files have been written to: <...>/checkpoint_0/build

Build your project

CMake only generated the build script, it didn't actually compile anything.
build$ make [...] [100%] Built target main_executable build$ ./main_executable Checkpoint 0 Hello, World!

Breakout time

Verify that we can all configure, compile and run the executable in Checkpoint 0.

Choosing a generator

CMake can create more than Makefiles. It can generate IDE projects, or build descriptions for the fast Ninja tool.
build$ cmake -G Ninja .. [...] build$ ninja [2/2] Linking CXX executable main_executable
You can build uniformly, regardless of the generator:
build$ cmake -G Ninja .. build$ cmake --build . --target main_executable
This can be particularly useful in automated scripts that may be run on different systems using different generators.

Setting configuration

You (and users) can override choices made by CMake using the -D{.cmake} argument.
build$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++-10 .. -- Configuring done You have changed variables that require your cache to be deleted. Configure will be re-run and you may have to reset some variables. The following variables have changed: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER= /usr/local/bin/g++-10 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 10.2.0 [...]
You can switch between Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo and MinSizeRel, by default:
build$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. [...]
The default flags with g++ are:

Breakout time

Try using the Ninja generator, compiling in Release mode, and using another compiler if you have one installed.
Remember that you might have to clean your build directory when, e.g., changing generator.

Adding subdirectories

CMakeLists.txt/ src/ CMakeLists.txt functionality.cpp functionality.hpp main.cpp
In the top-level CMakeLists.txt:
CMake processes the CMakeLists.txt file in the directory src.

Compartmentalising build logic

# src/CMakeLists.txt set(src_source_files file1 file2 file3) add_executable(executable ${src_source_files})
Variables defined in the upper scope are available in the lower scope, but not the other way around.
Using subdirectories enables clear structure and modularity, and keeps the top-level CMakeLists.txt clean and tidy.

Programming CMake

Variables can hold lists:
set( src_files main.cpp functionality.cpp functionality.hpp )
Variables can be dereferenced
set(another_list ${src_files})
The value of another_list{.cmake} is set to the value of src_files{.cmake}.
Nested example:
set(var files) # var = "files" set(yet_another_list ${src_${var}})

Checkpoint 1

Our project has grown! In addition to the code in main.cpp, some new functionality was added to new source files functionality.cpp and functionality.hpp.
This code is now contained in a specific directory src/, inside the project directory.

Breakout time

Look through the files in Checkpoint 1.
Add a new pair of hpp/cpp files that defines a new function.
  • Call it from the main executable
  • Add the files to src/CMakeLists.txt
  • Configure, compile and run: check that your new function has been executed

Target properties

CMake allows for a very fine-grained control of target builds, through properties.
For example, the property INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES{.cmake} specifies the list of directories to be specified with the compiler switch -I{.cmake} (or /I{.cmake}).
Properties can be set manually like variables, but in general CMake provides commands for it:
target_include_directories(main_executable PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} )
Properties are different from variables!

Creating a library

Similar to add_executable(){.cmake}:
add_library(my_lib STATIC ${source_files})
Use SHARED{.cmake} instead of STATIC{.cmake} to build a shared library: or, if omitted, CMake will pick a default based on the value of the variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS{.cmake}.

Linking libraries (PRIVATE)

Library dependencies can be declared using the target_link_libraries(){.cmake} command:
target_link_libraries(another_target PRIVATE my_lib)
The PRIVATE{.cmake} keyword states that another_target{.cmake} uses my_lib{.cmake} only in its internal implementation. Programs using another_target{.cmake} don't need to know about my_lib{.cmake}.

Linking libraries (PUBLIC)

Picture another dependency scenario:
  • another_target{.cmake} uses my_lib{.cmake} in its internal implementation.
  • and another_target{.cmake} defines some function that take parameters of a type defined in my_lib{.cmake}.
Programs using another_target{.cmake} also must link against my_lib{.cmake}:
target_link_libraries(another_target PUBLIC my_lib)

Link libraries (INTERFACE)

Picture another dependency scenario:
  • another_target{.cmake} only uses my_lib{.cmake} in its interface.
  • but not in its internal implementation.
target_link_libraries(another_target INTERFACE my_lib)

Behaviour of target properties across dependencies

Target properties are paired with another property INTERFACE_<PROPERTY>{.cmake}. For instance
These properties are inherited by depending targets (such as executables and other libraries).
target_include_directories(my_lib INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
  • PRIVATE{.cmake}: sets INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES{.cmake}.
  • PUBLIC{.cmake}: sets both.

Breakout time

Let's separate the functionality from the executable itself:
CMakeLists.txt src/ <library> exe/ <executable>
  1. Modify src/CMakeLists.txt so that a static library is created out of functionality.cpp and functionality.hpp.
  2. Move main.cpp into a new directory exe, and add a CMakeLists.txt defining a new target that links against the library.
  3. Modify the top-level CMakeLists.txt so that it processes both directories.

Printing information with message()

set(name "Jane Doe") message(STATUS "Hello ${name}")
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 8.3.0 ... -- Hello Jane Doe -- Configuring done -- Generating done

Options for message()

message(STATUS "A simple message")
STATUS{.cmake} can be replaced by e.g. WARNING{.cmake}, SEND_ERROR{.cmake}, FATAL_ERROR{.cmake} depending on the situation.
message(SEND_ERROR "An error occurred but configure step continues")
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:2 (message): An error occurred but configure step continues -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Finding dependencies

Libraries can be installed in various locations on your system.
CMake makes it easy to link against libraries without having to know where they are installed:
find_package(library_name CONFIG REQUIRED)
The above defines a new target (usually named library_name{.cmake}) that can now be linked against other targets using target_link_libraries{.cmake}.

"config" mode for find_package

find_package(library_name CONFIG REQUIRED)
In "config mode", find_package{.cmake} will search for a <PackageName>Config.cmake{.cmake} file.
This file specifies all the information CMake needs (particularly where the library is installed).
This is usually given by the library vendor.

Breakout time

Look at Checkpoint 3. A new file src/functionality_eigen.cpp depends on the Eigen library for linear algebra.
Task: Using find_package{.cmake}, modify the CMakeLists.txt in directory src/ to link target cmake_course_lib{.cmake} against Eigen.
Hint: Useful instructions can be found at Using Eigen in CMake Projects.
Note that keyword NO_MODULE{.cmake} is equivalent to CONFIG{.cmake}.

"module" mode for find_package

Libraries don't always come with a CMake config file <PackageName>Config.cmake{.cmake}.
CMake can also find the library based on a file Find<PackageName>.cmake{.cmake}. This behaviour corresponds to using find_package{.cmake} with the keyword MODULE{.cmake}:
find_package(library_name MODULE REQUIRED)
Such module files are typically provided by CMake itself.
They can also be written for a particular use case if required.

Package components

Often libraries are split into different components.
E.g. Boost: filesystem, thread, date-time, program-options, numpy...
Most programs only rely on a subset of components
set(boost_components filesystem chrono) find_package(Boost MODULE REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${boost_components})
The CMake target for a component is <PackageName>::<ComponentName>{.cmake} (e.g. Boost::filesystem{.cmake}).

Breakout time

Look at Checkpoint 4. The executable exe/main.cpp depends on the Boost Program Options library for handling command line arguments.
Task: Using find_package{.cmake} in MODULE{.cmake} mode, modify the CMakeLists.txt in directory exe/ to find and link target main_executable{.cmake} against Boost::program_options{.cmake}.

Adding CMake functionality using include

Any file containing valid CMake syntax can be "included" in the current CMakeLists.txt:
# CMakeLists.txt cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) project(IntroCMakeCourse LANGUAGES CXX) include(file_to_include.cmake) set(name "Foo Bar") message(STATUS "Hello ${name}") # cmake/file_to_include.cmake set(name "Jane Doe") message(STATUS "Hello ${name}")
-- Hello Jane Doe -- Hello Foo Bar -- Configuring done ...

Programming CMake: conditionals and loops

if(expression) # Do something else() # Do something else endif()
and loops:
set(mylist A B C D) foreach(var IN LISTS mylist) message(${var}) endforeach()

Programming CMake: functions

CMake allows the declaration of functions:
function(add a b) math(EXPR result "{a}+{b}") message("The sum is ${result}") endfunction()
Functions cannot return a value.
Functions introduce a new scope.
A similar notion is CMake macros, which does not introduce a new scope.

Setting options with option()

Boolean variables can be declared using option(){.cmake}:
option(WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS "Treat compiler warnings as errors" TRUE)
The value of options can be specified at the command line using the -D{.cmake} syntax:
Options are a special case of "cache" variable, whose value persist between CMake runs.

Built-in CMake variables

CMake provides a lot of pre-defined variables which values describe the system.
For instance, the value of CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID{.cmake} can be queried to determine which C++ compiler is used.

Using an interface "library" to apply options across targets

A useful technique for adding options to targets, for instance adding compiler flags to use with a library, is to create an empty "library", and link that against your other targets.
Let's see how that works, in Checkpoint 5...

Breakout time

Look at Checkpoint 5. The compiler should now warn us about bad C++. This is encouraged!
Add some bad C++ to main.cpp, for instance:
int unused_variable = 0;
Do you get a compiler warning? An error? Try configuring WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS{.cmake}:

That's all, folks

This was only the tiniest tip of the modern CMake iceberg. There are so many great resources available, and here are just a few of them: