Creating Containers
There are lots of reasons why you might want to create your own Docker container image.
- You can't find a container image with all the tools you need on Docker Hub.
- You want to have a container image to "archive" all the specific software versions you ran for a project.
- You want to share your workflow with someone else.
Interactive installation
Before creating a reproducible installation, let's experiment with installing
software inside a container. Start a container from the
container image we used before, interactively:docker container run -it alpine sh
Because this is a basic container, there's a lot of things not installed -- for
./# python3
sh: python3: not found
Inside the container, we can run commands to install Python 3. The Alpine version of
Linux has a installation tool called
that we can use to install Python 3./# apk add --update python3 py3-pip python3-dev
We can test our installation by running a Python command:
/# python3 --version
Once Python is installed, we can add Python packages using the pip package installer:
/# pip install pandas
Searching for Help
Can you find instructions for installing R on Alpine Linux? Do they work?
Once we exit, these changes are not saved to a new container image by default. There is
a command that will "snapshot" our changes, but building container images this way is
not easily reproducible. Instead, we're going to take what we've learned from this
interactive installation and create our container image from a reproducible recipe,
known as a
.If you haven't already, exit out of the interactively running container.
/# exit
Put installation instructions in a Dockerfile
is a plain text file with keywords and commands that
can be used to create a new container image.From your shell, go to the folder you downloaded at the start of the lesson
and print out the Dockerfile inside:
cd ~/Desktop/docker-intro/basic cat Dockerfile
Let's break this file down:
- The first line,
, indicates which container image we're starting with. It is the "base" container image we are going to start from. - The next two lines
, will indicate installation commands we want to run. These are the same commands that we used interactively above. - The last line,
, indicates the default command we want a container based on this container image to run, if no other command is provided. It is recommended to provideCMD
in exec-form (see theCMD
section of the Dockerfile documentation for more details). It is written as a list which contains the executable to run as its first element, optionally followed by any arguments as subsequent elements. The list is enclosed in square brackets ([]
) and its elements are double-quoted ("
) strings which are separated by commas. For example,CMD ["ls", "-lF", "--color", "/etc"]
would translate tols -lF --color /etc
shell-form and exec-form for CMD
Another way to specify the parameter for the
is the shell-form. Here you type the command as you would call it
from the command line. Docker then silently runs this command in the
image's standard shell. CMD cat /etc/passwd
is equivalent to CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "cat /etc/passwd"]
. We recommend to prefer the
more explicit exec-form because we will be able to create more
flexible container image command options and make sure complex commands
are unambiguous in this format.Take a Guess
Do you have any ideas about what we should use to fill in the sample Dockerfile
to replicate the installation we did above?
The recipe provided by the
shown in the solution to the preceding exercise will use Alpine Linux as the base container image,
add Python 3 and the Pandas library, and set a default command to request Python 3 to report its version information.Create a new Docker image
So far, we only have a text file named
-- we do not yet have a container image.
We want Docker to take this Dockerfile
run the installation commands contained within it, and then save the
resulting container as a new container image. To do this we will use the
docker image build
command.We have to provide
docker image build
with two pieces of information:- the location of the
- the name of the new container image. Remember the naming scheme from before? You should name your new image with your Docker Hub username and a name for the container image, like this:
All together, the build command that you should run on your computer, will have a similar structure to this:
docker image build -t USERNAME/CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME .
option names the container image; the final dot indicates that the Dockerfile
is in
our current directory.For example, if my user name was
and I wanted to call my
container image alpine-python
, I would use this command:docker image build -t alice/alpine-python .
Build Context
Notice that the final input to
docker image build
isn't the Dockerfile -- it's
a directory! In the command above, we've used the current working directory (.
) of
the shell as the final input to the docker image build
command. This option provides
what is called the build context to Docker -- if there are files being copied
into the built container image more details in the next episode
they're assumed to be in this location. Docker expects to see a Dockerfile in the
build context also (unless you tell it to look elsewhere).Even if it won't need all of the files in the build context directory, Docker does
"load" them before starting to build, which means that it's a good idea to have
only what you need for the container image in a build context directory, as we've done
in this example.
- Think back to earlier. What command can you run to check if your container image was created successfully? (Hint: what command shows the container images on your computer?)
- We didn't specify a tag for our container image name. What tag did Docker automatically use?
- What command will run a container based on the container image you've created? What should happen by default if you run such a container? Can you make it do something different, like print "hello world"?
While it may not look like you have achieved much, you have already effected the
combination of a lightweight Linux operating system with your specification to
run a given command that can operate reliably on macOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux
and on the cloud!
Boring but important notes about installation
There are a lot of choices when it comes to installing software -- sometimes too many!
Here are some things to consider when creating your own container image:
- Start smart, or, don't install everything from scratch! If you're using Python as your main tool, start with a Python container image. Same with R. We've used Alpine Linux as an example in this lesson, but it's generally not a good container image to start with for initial development and experimentation because it is a less common distribution of Linux; using Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS are all good options for scientific software installations. The program you're using might recommend a particular distribution of Linux, and if so, it may be useful to start with a container image for that distribution.
- How big? How much software do you really need to install? When you have a choice, lean towards using smaller starting container images and installing only what's needed for your software, as a bigger container image means longer download times to use.
- Know (or Google) your Linux. Different distributions of Linux often have distinct sets of tools for installing software. The
command we used above is the software package installer for Alpine Linux. The installers for various common Linux distributions are listed below:- Ubuntu:
- Debian:
- CentOS:
Most common software installations are available to be installed via these tools. A web search for "install X on Y Linux" is usually a good start for common software installation tasks; if something isn't available via the Linux distribution's installation tools, try the options below.
- Use what you know. You've probably used commands like
before on your own computer -- these will also work to install things in container images (if the basic scripting language is installed). - README. Many scientific software tools have a README or installation instructions that lay out how to install software. You want to look for instructions for Linux. If the install instructions include options like those suggested above, try those first.
In general, a good strategy for installing software is:
- Make a list of what you want to install.
- Look for pre-existing container images.
- Read through instructions for software you'll need to install.
- Try installing everything interactively in your base container -- take notes!
- From your interactive installation, create a
and then try to build the container image from that.
Share your new container image on Docker Hub
Container images that you release publicly can be stored on the Docker Hub for free. If you
name your container image as described above, with your Docker Hub username, all you need to do
is run the opposite of
docker image pull
-- docker image push
.docker image push alice/alpine-python
Make sure to substitute the full name of your container image!
In a web browser, open, and on your user page you
should now see your container image listed, for anyone to use or build on.
Logging In
Technically, you have to be logged into Docker on your computer for this to work.
Usually it happens by default, but if
docker image push
doesn't work for you,
run docker login
first, enter your Docker Hub username and password, and then
try docker image push
again.What's in a name? (again)
You don't have to name your containers images using the
naming scheme. On your own computer, you can
call container images whatever you want, and refer to them by the names you
choose. It's only when you want to share a container image that it needs the
correct naming format.You can rename container images using the
docker image tag
command. For example, imagine someone
named Alice has been working on a workflow container image and called it workflow-test
on her own computer. She now wants to share it in her alice
Docker Hub account
with the name workflow-complete
and a tag of v1
. Her docker image tag
would look like this:docker image tag workflow-test alice/workflow-complete:v1
She could then push the re-named container image to Docker Hub,
docker image push alice/workflow-complete:v1
Key Points
specify what is within Docker container images.- The docker image build command is used to build a container image from a Dockerfile.
- You can share your Docker container images through the Docker Hub so that others can create Docker containers from your container images.