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Software Architecture and Design

Procedural Program...

Containers [cpp]

This material was adapted from an "Introduction to C++" course developed by the Oxford RSE group.

This material was adapted from an "Introduction to C++" course developed by the Oxford RSE group.

Creative Commons License
This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

Creative Commons License



The function (aka procedure) is a one of the defining aspects of proceedural programming. It allows you to package up some code defining a particular operation into a re-useable function can can take zero or more arguments and (optionally) return a value.

Declaring and calling funcitons

The following function prototypes declare two functions: one called my_func that takes two parameters of type double{.Cpp} and returns a variable of type double{.Cpp}, and one called main that takes no parameters and returns an int{.Cpp}:
double my_func(double x, double y); int main();
The function prototype tells the compiler about function's name, return type, and parameters. You must declare the function before you can use it, like so:
#include <iostream> double multiply(double x, double y); // function prototype int main() { double a = 1.0, b = 2.0, z; z = multiply(a, b); std::cout << a << " times " << b << " equals " << z << '\n'; return 0; } double multiply(double x, double y) // function definition { return x * y; }
A function may also return no value, and be declared as void{.Cpp}.
#include <iostream> void output(int score, int passMark); int main() { int score = 29, pass_mark = 30; output(score, pass_mark); return 0; } void output(int score, int passMark) { if (score >= passMark) std::cout << "Pass - congratulations!\n"; else std::cout << "Fail - better luck next time\n"; }
Any variables that are used in the function must be declared as normal.
For example:
double multiply_by_5(double x) { double y = 5.0; return x * y; }
Recall the rules about scope, the scope of y lasts until the end of the function (the last curly bracket) after which y is removed from memory and is no longer available.

Pass by value

A function can only change the value of a variable inside the function, and not in the main program. This is because, by default, variables are passed by value, and the function only sees a copy.
Changes in this copied variable have no effect on the original variable, for example the function no_effect has no effect on the x variable passed into it in main:
#include <iostream> void no_effect(double x) { x += 1.0; } int main() { double x = 2.0; no_effect(x); std::cout << x << '\n'; }

Pass by reference

A common way of allowing a function to change the value of a variable outside the function is to use references. You can do this by adding the & symbol before the variable name in the declaration of the function and the prototype.
#include <iostream> void add(double x, double y, double& rz); int main() { double x = 1.0, y = 2.0, z; add(x, y, z); std::cout << x <<" plus "<< y <<" equals "<< z <<'\n'; return 0; } void add(double x, double y, double& rz) { rz = x + y; }

Swap Two Numbers

Write a function that accepts two floating point numbers (using references), and swaps the values of these numbers.

Function overloading

When a function is declared, the return type and parameter type must be specified.
If a function mult is to be written that multiplies two numbers, we would like it to work for floating point numbers and for integers.
This can be achieved by function overloading.
More than one function mult can be written - one that takes two integers and returns an integer, one that takes two floating point numbers and returns a floating point number, etc.
float mult(float x, float y) { return x * y; } int mult(int x, int y) { return x * y; } int main() { int i = mult(7, 10); float f = mult(21.5f, 14.5f); }

Scalar (dot) product

Write a function that returns the scalar (dot) product of two std::array<double, 3> vectors. Overload this function to multiply two scalar double values.

Return values

Functions can have no return value
void print_this(int x);
a single return value
int get_constant();
multiple return values via a std::tuple
std::tuple<std::string, float> get_student_and_grade();
or can optionally return value (i.e. either a value or nothing) via std::optional
std::optional<std::string> read_file_if_exists(const std::string& filename);
The use of std::optional here tells the caller that the return std::string might not exist (e.g. if the file does not exist or cannot be opened for reading) and that this possibility must be dealt with after calling the function. For example:
const std::string filename = "data.txt"; if (const auto contents_opt = read_file_if_exists(filename)) { std::cout << *contents_opt << std::end; } else { std::cerr << "Cannot read file " << filename << std::end; }

Errors and Exceptions

It is normally neccessary to deal with errors that occur within a function in such a way that the caller of that function is aware of the error and can deal with it (if possible), or fail gracefully (perhaps clean up resources like an open file for example). In the previous section we saw one approach to dealling with an error, which is to return an optional value from the function. Another approach is to use C++ exceptions.
Let us define a function for solving a particular problem (e.g. a root-finding problem). This function has an input argument x of type double, but the solver we are writing can only solve the given problem for x>2.0x > 2.0. Furthermore, even if x>2.0x > 2.0 it is possible that the function fails to find a solution to the problem.
Since we have two possible points of failure, we decide to use exceptions to make the caller aware of any failures, and what in particular has gone wrong.
double solve_problem(const double x) { if (x <= 2) { throw std::invalid_argument("x must be greater than two"); } /// ... solve problem here if (!success) { throw std::runtime_error("solver failed"); } return result; }
Both std::invalid_argument and std::runtime_error are exception classes in the standard library. When the program gets to the throw{.cpp} expression, excecution is halted and control flow immediately works backwards up the current call stack until a catch expression is encountered with an argument compatible with the exceptions thrown (here either std::invalid_argument or std::runtime_error). If none is found then the program halts with an error.
Below is an example of how you might call solve_problem and handle the possible errors with a try-catch expression:
int main() { double solve_for_x = 1.456; try { solve_problem(solve_for_x); } catch (std::invalid_argument err) { // oh no, double it and try again solve_problem(2 * solve_for_x); } catch (std::runtime_error err) { // Fall back and try 10.0, I know this one works! solve_problem(10.0); } catch (std::exception err) { // unknown error, just print it out and exit std::cerr << err << std::endl; return -1; } }
Here we have three catch blocks, corresponding with different exceptions we want to handle. The first two are the ones we saw in the definition of solve_problem. The third is the base exception class in the standard library, so any exception in the standard library (or any exception derived from one of these) will be caught.

Templated functions

Templates in C++ introduce compile-time polymorphism (Polymorphism is a programming concept meaning to provide a single interface for entities of differing types). Templates can be used to where the same code may need to repeated for different values or for different types. For example, say we had a function get_min that could accept either double or int via overloading:
double get_min(double a, double b) { if (a < b) {return a;} return b; } int get_min(int a, int b) { if (a < b) {return a;} return b; }
This is rather cumborsome as we have to repeat the implementation of the two overloaded functions. Instead, we can use the template{.Cpp} keyword to produce as many functions as may be required:
template <typename Number> Number get_min (Number a, Number b) { if (a < b) { return a; } return b; } int main(void) { int i = get_min<int>(10,-2); double d1 = get_min<double>(22.0/7.0, 3.14159265359); double d2 = get_min(22.0/7.0, 3.14159265359); }
Each use of the templated function (i.e. get_min<int>(), get_min<double>()) causes the compiler to generate a new version of the get_min function with the template argument Number replaced by the type given by the template argument.

Function template type deduction

Note: it is not always necessary to provide the typename when calling a templated function, as long as the compiler can infer it:
int main(void) { int arg1 = 10; int arg2 = -1; std::cout << get_min(arg1,arg2) << std::endl; }

Multiple template arguments

You can list multiple template arguments one after the other. These can be types (e.g. typename T{.Cpp}) or non-types (e.g. int N{.Cpp})
template <int N, typename T> T multiply_by_n (T a) { return N*a; } int main(void) { int i = 1; std::cout << multiply_by_n<2>(i) << std::endl; }

Scalar (dot) product continued

Rewrite your dot product function to take any two containers aa and bb that follow the standard container interface in C++. Your function should take three arguments:
  1. A start iterator for vector aa
  2. An end iterator for vector aa
  3. A start iterator for vector bb (vector bb is assumed to be the same size as vector aa)
Template your function on the iterator type for aa Ta, and the iterator type for bb Tb. If you like, you can perform the calculation of the dot product using a fixed type double. For an extra challenge, make sure you use the same type contained in aa (hint: each iterator and container in the standard library has a subtype value_type that is the value type held by the container).