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Software Architecture and Design

Functional Program...

Higher-Order ... [cpp]

This material was adapted from an "Introduction to C++" course developed by the Oxford RSE group.

This material was adapted from an "Introduction to C++" course developed by the Oxford RSE group.

Creative Commons License
This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

This course material was developed as part of UNIVERSE-HPC, which is funded through the SPF ExCALIBUR programme under grant number EP/W035731/1

Creative Commons License



Recursion is one of the common strategies used in Functional Programming. Instead of using loops to iteratively apply an operation, we can express a result in terms of previous results. To do this, the function needs to call itself to get the previous result, this is called recursion.
The following two code examples implement the calculation of a factorial using iteration and recursion, respectively. Recall that the factorial of a number n (denoted by n!) is calculated as the product of integer numbers from 1 to n.
// factorial // @param n: the number to calculate the factorial of // @return: the factorial of n int factorial(int n) { int product = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) { product *= i; } return product; }
Functions in procedural programming are procedures that describe a detailed list of instructions to tell the computer what to do step by step and how to change the state of the program and advance towards the result. They often use iteration to repeat a series of steps. Functional programming, on the other hand, often uses recursion - an ability of a function to call/repeat itself until a particular condition is reached.
// factorial // @param n: the number to calculate the factorial of // @return: the factorial of n int factorial(int n) { if (n < 0) { throw std::invalid_argument("factorial is not defined for values less than 0"); } if (n == 0) { return 1; } return n * factorial(n - 1); }
Note: this implementation is an example of tail recursion, which is typically optimised by the compiler back to an iterative implementation (since this is faster).

Recursion on trees

Recursion is a powerful tool for traversing tree data structures. Consider a tree representing a mathematical expression like 1 + 2 * 3. The tree could have the following structure:
class Node { public: int value; std::vector<Node> children; Node(int value, std::vector<Node> children) : value(value), children(children) {} }; int main() { // + // / \ // 1 * // / \ // 2 3 Node t = Node('+', { Node(1), Node('*', { Node(2), Node(3) }) } ); }
  1. a function that traverses the tree and returns the total number of nodes
  2. a function that traverses the tree and returns the result of the expression

Key Points

  • Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself, allowing solutions to problems that can be broken down into smaller subproblems
  • Recursion is a useful approach for calculation and operations on tree data structures.