Krylov subspace methods and CG
Krylov subspace methods and CG
The Krylov subspace
The set of basis vectors for the Krylov subspace are formed by
repeated application of a matrix on a vector
Krylov subspace methods
Krylov subspace methods are an important family of iterative algorithms for solving
. Lets suppose that is an invertible matrix, and our only
knowledge of is its matrix-vector product with an arbitrary vector .
Repeated application of , times on an initial vector gives us a sequence of
vectors . Since we are
in -dimensional space, we are guaranteed that these vectors are linearly
dependent, and therefore
for some set of coefficients . Let now pick the smallest index such that , and multiply the above equation by , giving
This implies that can be found only via repeated application of , and also
motivates the search for solutions from the Krylov subspace.
For each iteration of a Krylov subspace method, we choose the "best" linear
combination of the Krylov basis vectors to form an improved solution . Different methods give various
definitions of "best", for example:
- The residual is orthogonal to (Conjugate Gradients).
- The residual has minimum norm for in (GMRES and MINRES).
- is orthogonal to a different space (BiConjugate Gradients).
Conjugate Gradient Method
Here we will give a brief summary of the CG method, for more details you can consult the
text by Golub and Van Loan (Chapter 10).
The CG method is based on minimising the function
If we set to the solution of , that is , then the value of
is at its minimum , showing that solving
and minimising are equivalent.
At each iteration of CG we are concerned with the residual, defined as . If the residual is nonzero, then at each step we wish to find a positive
such that , where is the search
direction at each . For the classical steepest descent optimisation algorithm the
search direction would be the residual , however, steepest descent can suffer
from convergence problems, so instead we aim to find a set of search directions so
that (i.e. at each step we are guaranteed to reduce ), and
that the search directions are linearly independent. The latter condition guarantees
that the method will converge in at most steps, where is the size of the square
matrix .
It can be shown that the best set of search directions can be achieved by setting
This ensures that the search direction is the closest vector to
that is also A-conjugate to , i.e. for all , which gives the algorithm its
name. After iterations the sequence of residuals for form a
set of mutually orthogonal vectors that span the Krylov subspace .
Directly using the above equations in an iterative algorithm results in the standard CG
algorithm. A more efficient algorithm can be derived from this by computing the
residuals recursively via , leading to the final
algorithm given below (reproduced from
The CG method works well (i.e. converges quickly) if the condition number of the
matrix is low. The condition number of a matrix gives a measure of how much the
solution changes in response to a small change in the input , and is a property
of the matrix itself, so can vary from problem to problem. In order to keep the
number of iterations small for iterative solvers, it is therefore often necessary to use
a preconditioner, which is a method of transforming what might be a difficult problem
with a poorly conditioned , into a well conditioned problem that is easy to solve.
Consider the case of preconditioning for the CG methods, we start from the standard
problem , and we wish to solve an equivalent transformed problem given by
where , , , and
is a symmetric positive matrix.
We then simply apply the standard CG method as given above to this transformed problem.
This leads to an algorithm which is then simplified by instead computing the transformed
quantities , , and .
Finally we define a matrix , which is known as the preconditioner, leading to
the final preconditioned CG algorithm given below (reproduced and edited from
> >
repeat until
> > > if is sufficiently small exit loop end if > > >
end repeat.
The key point to note here is that the preconditioner is used by inverting , so this
matrix must be "easy" to solve in some fashion, and also result in a transformed problem
with better conditioning.
Termination: The CG algorithm is normally run until convergence to a given
tolerance which is based on the norm of the input vector . In the algorithm above we
iterate until the residual norm is less than some fraction (set by the user) of the norm
of .
What preconditioner to choose for a given problem is often highly problem-specific, but
some useful general purpose preconditioners exist, such as the incomplete Cholesky
preconditioner for preconditioned CG (see Chapter 10.3.2 of the Golub & Van Loan text
given below). Chapter 3 of the Barrett et al.
text, also cited below, contains
descriptions of a few more commonly used preconditioners.
Other Reading
- Golub, G. H. & Van Loan, C. F. Matrix Computations, 3rd Ed. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996). Chapter 10
- Barrett, R., Berry, M., Chan, T. F., Demmel, J., Donato, J., Dongarra, J., ... & Van der Vorst, H. (1994). Templates for the solution of linear systems: building blocks for iterative methods. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Python: scipy.sparse.linalg
Once again the best resource for Python is the
documentation. The
available iterative solvers in Scipy are:- Applicable to non-symmetric problems. Requires the matrix-vector product of and its transpose .
- Applicable to non-symmetric
- Designed as an improvement of BiCG, avoids one of the two failure situations of BiCG
- Computational costs slightly higher than BiCG, still requires the transpose .
- Applicable to non-symmetric
- Often converges twice as fast as BiCG, but is often irregular and can diverge if starting guess is close to solution.
- Unlike BiCG, the two matrix-vector products cannot be parallelized.
- Applicable to non-symmetric
- Computational cost similar to BiCG, but does not require the transpose of .
- Simliar convergence speed as CGS, but avoids the irregular convergence properties of this method
- Applicable only to symmetric positive definite .
- Speed of convergences depends on condition number
- Applicable non-symmetric
- Best convergence properties, but each additional iteration becomes increasingly expensive, with large storage costs.
- To limit the increasing cost with additional iterations, it is necessary to periodically restart the method. When to do this is highly dependence on the properties of
- Requires only matrix-vector products with
- Modification to GMRES that uses alternating residual vectors to improve convergence.
- It is possible to supply the algorithm with "guess" vectors used to augment the Krylov subspace, which is useful if you are solving several very similar matrices one after another.
- Applicable to symmetric
Comparing solvers
For this problem we are going to compare many of the different types of solvers, both
direct and iterative, that we've looked at thus far.
Note: We will be using the Finite Difference matrix based on the two-dimensional
finite difference approximation of the Poisson problem that we developed in the previous
For try the following:
- Solve the linear systems using (see
and record the time this takes on a - graph. (Omit the case and note this may take a while for .) - Solve the linear systems using the and Cholesky decompositions. Plot the time this takes on the same graph.
- Now solve the systems iteratively using a conjugate gradients solver (you can use the one in
, or you can code up your own). How many iterations are needed for each problem? Explain the results for the right-hand-side . For the right-hand-side what is the relationship between the number of iterations and . How long do the computations take? - Repeat using the
BICGSTAB and GMRES solvers.