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Advanced Communication Techniques
"Introduction to the Message Passing Interface" course by the Southampton RSG

"Introduction to the Message Passing Interface" course by the Southampton RSG

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Advanced Communication Techniques

In an earlier episode, we introduced the concept of derived data types to send vectors or a sub-array of a larger array, which may or may not be contiguous in memory. Other than vectors, there are multiple other types of derived data types that allow us to handle other complex data structures efficiently. In this episode, we will see how to create structure derived types. Additionally, we will also learn how to use MPI_Pack() and MPI_Unpack() to manually pack complex data structures and heterogeneous data into a single contiguous buffer, when other methods of communication are too complicated or inefficient.

Structures in MPI

Structures, commonly known as structs, are custom datatypes which contain multiple variables of (usually) different types. Some common use cases of structs, in scientific code, include grouping together constants or global variables, or they are used to represent a physical thing, such as a particle, or something more abstract like a cell on a simulation grid. When we use structs, we can write clearer, more concise and better structured code.
To communicate a struct, we need to define a derived datatype which tells MPI about the layout of the struct in memory. Instead of MPI_Type_create_vector(), for a struct, we use, MPI_Type_create_struct(),
int MPI_Type_create_struct( int count, int *array_of_blocklengths, MPI_Aint *array_of_displacements, MPI_Datatype *array_of_types, MPI_Datatype *newtype, );
count:The number of fields in the struct
*array_of_blocklengths:The length of each field, as you would use to send that field using MPI_Send()
*array_of_displacements:The relative positions of each field in bytes
*array_of_types:The MPI type of each field
*newtype:The newly created data type for the struct
The main difference between vector and struct derived types is that the arguments for structs expect arrays, since structs are made up of multiple variables. Most of these arguments are straightforward, given what we've just seen for defining vectors. But array_of_displacements is new and unique.
When a struct is created, it occupies a single contiguous block of memory. But there is a catch. For performance reasons, compilers insert arbitrary "padding" between each member for performance reasons. This padding, known as data structure alignment, optimises both the layout of the memory and the access of it. As a result, the memory layout of a struct may look like this instead:
Memory layout for a struct
Although the memory used for padding and the struct's data exists in a contiguous block, the actual data we care about is no longer contiguous. This is why we need the array_of_displacements argument, which specifies the distance, in bytes, between each struct member relative to the start of the struct. In practice, it serves a similar purpose of the stride in vectors.
To calculate the byte displacement for each member, we need to know where in memory each member of a struct exists. To do this, we can use the function MPI_Get_address(),
int MPI_Get_address{ const void *location, MPI_Aint *address, };
*location:A pointer to the variable we want the address of
*address:The address of the variable, as an MPI_Aint (address integer)
In the following example, we use MPI_Type_create_struct() and MPI_Get_address() to create a derived type for a struct with two members,
// Define and initialize a struct, named foo, with an int and a double struct MyStruct { int id; double value; } foo = {.id = 0, .value = 3.1459}; // Create arrays to describe the length of each member and their type int count = 2; int block_lengths[2] = {1, 1}; MPI_Datatype block_types[2] = {MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE}; // Now we calculate the displacement of each member, which are stored in an // MPI_Aint designed for storing memory addresses MPI_Aint base_address; MPI_Aint block_offsets[2]; MPI_Get_address(&foo, &base_address); // First of all, we find the address of the start of the struct MPI_Get_address(&, &block_offsets[0]); // Now the address of the first member "id" MPI_Get_address(&foo.value, &block_offsets[1]); // And the second member "value" // Calculate the offsets, by subtracting the address of each field from the // base address of the struct for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { // MPI_Aint_diff is a macro to calculate the difference between two // MPI_Aints and is a replacement for: // (MPI_Aint) ((char *) block_offsets[i] - (char *) base_address) block_offsets[i] = MPI_Aint_diff(block_offsets[i], base_address); } // We finally can create out struct data type MPI_Datatype struct_type; MPI_Type_create_struct(count, block_lengths, block_offsets, block_types, &struct_type); MPI_Type_commit(&struct_type); // Another difference between vector and struct derived types is that in // MPI_Recv, we use the struct type. We have to do this because we aren't // receiving a contiguous block of a single type of date. By using the type, we // tell MPI_Recv how to understand the mix of data types and padding and how to // assign those back to recv_struct if (my_rank == 0) { MPI_Send(&foo, 1, struct_type, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { struct MyStruct recv_struct; MPI_Recv(&recv_struct, 1, struct_type, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); } // Remember to free the derived type MPI_Type_free(&struct_type);

Sending a Struct

By using a derived data type, write a program to send the following struct struct Node node from one rank to another:
struct Node { int id; char name[16]; double temperature; }; struct Node node = { .id = 0, .name = "Dale Cooper", .temperature = 42};
You may wish to use this skeleton code as your stating point.

What If I Have a Pointer in My Struct?

Suppose we have the following struct with a pointer named position and some other fields:
struct Grid { double *position; int num_cells; }; grid.position = malloc(3 * sizeof(double));
If we use malloc() to allocate memory for position, how would we send data in the struct and the memory we allocated one rank to another? If you are unsure, try writing a short program to create a derived type for the struct.

A different way to calculate displacements

There are other ways to calculate the displacement, other than using what MPI provides for us. Another common way is to use the offsetof() macro part of <stddef.h>. offsetof() accepts two arguments, the first being the struct type and the second being the member to calculate the offset for.
#include <stddef.h> MPI_Aint displacements[2]; displacements[0] = (MPI_Aint) offsetof(struct MyStruct, id); // The cast to MPI_Aint is for extra safety displacements[1] = (MPI_Aint) offsetof(struct MyStruct, value);
This method and the other shown in the previous examples both returns the same displacement values. It's mostly a personal choice which you choose to use. Some people prefer the "safety" of using MPI_Get_address() whilst others prefer to write more concise code with offsetof(). Of course, if you're a Fortran programmer then you can't use the macro!

Complex non-contiguous and heterogeneous data

The previous two sections covered how to communicate complex but structured data between ranks using derived datatypes. However, there are always some edge cases which don't fit into a derived types. For example, just in the last exercise we've seen that pointers and derived types don't mix well. Furthermore, we can sometimes also reach performance bottlenecks when working with heterogeneous data which doesn't fit, or doesn't make sense to be, in a derived type, as each data type needs to be communicated in separate communication calls. This can be especially bad if blocking communication is used! For edge cases situations like this, we can use the MPI_Pack() and MPI_Unpack() functions to do things ourselves.
Both MPI_Pack() and MPI_Unpack() are methods for manually arranging, packing and unpacking data into a contiguous buffer, for cases where regular communication methods and derived types don't work well or efficiently. They can also be used to create self-documenting message, where the packed data contains additional elements which describe the size, structure and contents of the data. But we have to be careful, as using packed buffers comes with additional overhead, in the form of increased memory usage and potentially more communication overhead as packing and unpacking data is not free.
When we use MPI_Pack(), we take non-contiguous data (sometimes of different datatypes) and "pack" it into a contiguous memory buffer. The diagram below shows how two (non-contiguous) chunks of data may be packed into a contiguous array using MPI_Pack().
Layout of packed memory
The coloured boxes in both memory representations (memory and packed) are the same chunks of data. The green boxes containing only a single number are used to document the number of elements in the block of elements they are adjacent to, in the contiguous buffer. This is optional to do, but is generally good practice to include to create a self-documenting message. From the diagram we can see that we have "packed" non-contiguous blocks of memory into a single contiguous block. We can do this using MPI_Pack(). To reverse this action, and "unpack" the buffer, we use MPI_Unpack(). As you might expect, MPI_Unpack() takes a buffer, created by MPI_Pack() and unpacks the data back into various memory address.
To pack data into a contiguous buffer, we have to pack each block of data, one by one, into the contiguous buffer using the MPI_Pack() function,
int MPI_Pack( const void *inbuf, int incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, void *outbuf, int outsize, int *position, MPI_Comm comm );
*inbuf:The data to pack into the buffer
incount:The number of elements to pack
datatype:The data type of the data to pack
*outbuf:The out buffer of contiguous data
outsize:The size of the out buffer, in bytes
*position:A counter for how far into the contiguous buffer to write (records the position, in bytes)
comm:The communicator
In the above, inbuf is the data we want to pack into a contiguous buffer and incount and datatype define the number of elements in and the datatype of inbuf. The parameter outbuf is the contiguous buffer the data is packed into, with outsize being the total size of the buffer in bytes. The position argument is used to keep track of the current position, in bytes, where data is being packed into outbuf.
Uniquely, MPI_Pack(), and MPI_Unpack() as well, measure the size of the contiguous buffer, outbuf, in bytes rather than in number of elements. Given that MPI_Pack() is all about manually arranging data, we have to also manage the allocation of memory for outbuf. But how do we allocate memory for it, and how much should we allocate? Allocation is done by using malloc(). Since MPI_Pack() works with outbuf in terms of bytes, the convention is to declare outbuf as a char *. The amount of memory to allocate is simply the amount of space, in bytes, required to store all the data we want to pack into it. Just like how we would normally use malloc() to create an array. If we had an integer array and a floating point array which we wanted to pack into the buffer, then the size required is easy to calculate,
// The total buffer size is the sum of the bytes required for the int and float array int size_int_array = num_int_elements * sizeof(int); int size_float_array = num_float_elements * sizeof(float); int buffer_size = size_int_array + size_float_array; // The buffer is a char *, but could also be cast as void * if you prefer char *buffer = malloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char)); // a char is 1 byte, so sizeof(char) is optional
If we are also working with derived types, such as vectors or structs, then we need to find the size of those types. By far the easiest way to handle these is to use MPI_Pack_size(), which supports derived datatypes through the MPI_Datatype,
int MPI_Pack_size( int incount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Comm comm, int *size );
incount:The number of data elements
datatype:The data type of the data
comm:The communicator
*size:The calculated upper size limit for the buffer, in bytes
MPI_Pack_size() is a helper function to calculate the upper bound of memory required. It is, in general, preferable to calculate the buffer size using this function, as it takes into account any implementation specific MPI detail and thus is more portable between implementations and systems. If we wanted to calculate the memory required for three elements of some derived struct type and a double array, we would do the following,
int struct_array_size, float_array_size; MPI_Pack_size(3, STRUCT_DERIVED_TYPE, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &struct_array_size); MPI_Pack_size(50, MPI_DOUBLE. MPI_COMM_WORLD, &float_array_size); int buffer_size = struct_array_size + float_array_size;
When a rank has received a contiguous buffer, it has to be unpacked into its constituent parts, one by one, using MPI_Unpack(),
int MPI_Unpack( void *inbuf, int insize, int *position, void *outbuf, int outcount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Comm comm, );
*inbuf:The contiguous buffer to unpack
insize:The total size of the buffer, in bytes
*position:The position, in bytes, from where to start unpacking from
*outbuf:An array, or variable, to unpack data into -- this is the output
outcount:The number of elements of data to unpack
datatype:The data type of elements to unpack
comm:The communicator
The arguments for this function are essentially the reverse of MPI_Pack(). Instead of being the buffer to pack into, inbuf is now the packed buffer, and position specified the byte position in the buffer to start unpacking from. outbuf is then the variable we want to unpack into, and outcount is the number of elements of datatype to unpack.
In the example below, MPI_Pack(), MPI_Pack_size() and MPI_Unpack() are used to communicate a (non-contiguous) 3 x 3 matrix.
// Allocate and initialise a (non-contiguous) 2D matrix that we will pack into // a buffer int num_rows = 3, num_cols = 3; int **matrix = malloc(num_rows * sizeof(int *)); for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) { matrix[i] = malloc(num_cols * sizeof(int)); for (int j = 0; i < num_cols; ++j) { matrix[i][j] = num_cols * i + j; } } // Determine the upper limit for the amount of memory the buffer requires. Since // this is a simple situation, we could probably have done this manually using // `num_rows * num_cols * sizeof(int)`. The size `pack_buffer_size` is returned in // bytes int pack_buffer_size; MPI_Pack_size(num_rows * num_cols, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &pack_buffer_size); if (my_rank == 0) { // Create the pack buffer and pack each row of data into it buffer // one by one int position = 0; char *packed_data = malloc(pack_buffer_size); for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) { MPI_Pack(matrix[i], num_cols, MPI_INT, packed_data, pack_buffer_size, &position, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } // Send the packed data to rank 1 MPI_Send(packed_data, pack_buffer_size, MPI_PACKED, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { // Create a receive buffer and get the packed buffer from rank 0 char *received_data = malloc(pack_buffer_size); MPI_Recv(received_data, pack_buffer_size + 1, MPI_PACKED, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // Allocate a matrix to put the receive buffer into -- this is for demonstration purposes int **my_matrix = malloc(num_rows * sizeof(int *)); for (int i = 0; i < num_cols; ++i) { my_matrix[i] = malloc(num_cols * sizeof(int)); } // Unpack the received data row by row into my_matrix int position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) { MPI_Unpack(received_data, pack_buffer_size, &position, my_matrix[i], num_cols, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } }

Blocking or non-blocking?

The processes of packing data into a contiguous buffer does not happen asynchronously. The same goes for unpacking data. But this doesn't restrict the packed data from being only sent synchronously. The packed data can be communicated using any communication function, just like the previous derived types. It works just as well to communicate the buffer using non-blocking methods, as it does using blocking methods.

What if the other rank doesn't know the size of the buffer?

In some cases, the receiving rank may not know the size of the buffer used in MPI_Pack(). This could happen if a message is sent and received in different functions, if some ranks have different branches through the program or if communication happens in a dynamic or non-sequential way.
In these situations, we can use MPI_Probe() and MPI_Get_count to find the message being sent and to get the number of elements in the message.
// First probe for a message, to get the status of it MPI_Status status; MPI_Probe(0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status); // Using MPI_Get_count we can get the number of elements of a particular data type int message_size; MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_PACKED, &buffer_size); // MPI_PACKED represents an element of a "byte stream." So, buffer_size is the size of the buffer to allocate char *buffer = malloc(buffer_size);

Sending Heterogeneous Data in a Single Communication

Suppose we have two arrays below, where one contains integer data and the other floating point data. Normally we would use multiple communication calls to send each type of data individually, for a known number of elements. For this exercise, communicate both arrays using a packed memory buffer.
int int_data_count = 5; int float_data_count = 10; int *int_data = malloc(int_data_count * sizeof(int)); float *float_data = malloc(float_data_count * sizeof(float)); // Initialize the arrays with some values for (int i = 0; i < int_data_count; ++i) { int_data[i] = i + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < float_data_count; ++i) { float_data[i] = 3.14159 * (i + 1); }
Since the arrays are dynamically allocated, in rank 0, you should also pack the number of elements in each array. Rank 1 may also not know the size of the buffer. How would you deal with that?
You can use this skeleton code to begin with.